Cancer Prehab and Rehab Classes

Cancer Exercise Programs: CanRestore

Treatment for cancer not only takes an emotional toll, it can be physically very hard.

Our certified oncology physiotherapists, draw on their training from the PINC and STEEL, Strength After Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer exercise programs, to provide individualised, prescribed, targeted exercise programs to women and men diagnosed with cancer. Our goal is to help them heal as well as possible and function at optimal levels through every stage of their treatment and recovery. Our program is dedicated to improving the strength, quality of life and sense of wellbeing of men and women diagnosed with cancer.

Our programs are specifically designed to help maximise recovery, regain physical and emotional strength and improve body confidence and control.

Our programs are tailored specifically to each person and may include:

  • individual exercise sessions
  • small group rehab (3-4 people)
  • larger group (5-10) rehab
  • our programs include a combination of Clinical Pilates, resistance training, cardiovascular and balance training
  • Prehab: exercise programs prior to starting treatment for cancer. The fitter and stronger you are leading into your treatment means:
    • the better you will cope with the treatment
    • more likely to be able to complete the full course of treatment
    • have fewer side effects
    • faster recovery

Watch PINC & STEEL Cancer rehabilitation:

Treatment aims to:

  • Optimise physical and functional recovery
  • Ease pain and muscular tension
  • Regain strength and mobility
  • Increase energy levels and improve breathing
  • Strengthen core muscles and improve posture
  • Reclaim body confidence and control
  • Reduce treatment related side effects
  • Shift focus from illness to wellness
  • Prevent the onset of lymphoedema

Our physios combine many years of musculoskeletal physiotherapy with oncology exercise training to specifically be able to help men and women who have undergone and who are going through, treatment for cancer whether that involves surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.


  • The research is undeniable! Exercise is so important for mental and physical wellbeing and quality of life.
  • Cancer survival – exercise reduces risk of death by nearly a half.
  • Ref: A review in May 2017 of more than 100 studies involving tens of thousands of cancer patients worldwide found mortality rates among those who regularly exercised fell up to 44%.The risk of cancer recurrence dropped up to 33% and the side effects of chemotherapy were also less pronounced.
  • 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week plus 2 to 3 resistance workouts is recommended.

Improve your quality of life today