Whether pre-hab or rehab – Exercise as an adjunct to Cancer treatment has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of death by nearly 50%.
The goals of Physiotherapy treatment for lymphoedema are to prevent progression through early detection, swelling reduction and maintenance.
You do not have to put up with Pelvic floor dysfunction. An accurate diagnosis, a tailored program and feedback on correct technique can make a big difference.
Aprox 30% of men who visit the GP are affected by incontinence. More than 2/3 do not discuss the issue. The majority of people can be cured or better managed.
Suite 409,
Level 4, 531 Kingsway
Miranda 2228
Here is a great article about Cancer rehabilitation – something we are very passionate about here at Restore Oncology Care and Lymph...
What is resistance training? Resistance training is a type of exercise designed to increase muscle strength and muscle endurance. It invol...